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Buckner President and CEO, Albert Reyes, wrote this article for his blog, reflecting on demographics, diversity and destiny. He comments on how each year, we become more ethnically and racially diverse, and he considers the question of how Christ-centered organizations minister in a changing demographic context. 

Demographics are driving diversity in our communities, cities, and even the nation. We are becoming more ethnically and racially diverse each year, reaching a tipping point in 2022, while also moving into closer proximity of each other. This trend will only accelerate in the years to come. 2050 is already here now, 27 years ahead of schedule. The Asian population in Texas is growing the fastest and the African-American population continues steady growth at 12 percent of the total. People of Euro-American background are also growing but at a much slower pace. 

Differences were easier to manage from a distance with little need to explore and understand each other’s worldview. Let’s be honest, most of us do not understand the culture of people who are different from us. We assume our way is the only way and have only a vague understanding of the other. The world has moved next door and brought their culture with them.

What does this mean for businesses, our economic health, and the future? 

You can read the full article on Dr. Reyes' blog.


Thom Wolf says:
Dr Reyes 3Ds article is perceptive, plain, and thus, provacative. Perceptive: he address the people-mix fact on the ground -- the issue facing everyone. Plain: just being honest-out-loud makes him blunt. Provacative: hmmmm.... truth has a way of sticking in my mind... My 3Ds response? Digest: like a Texas longhorn, digest this --chew-the-cud on Dr Albert's article by rereading it 3 days in a row... Distribute: Forward it to 3 friends... Discuss: personally ask his 3 questions to family/friend/ associate who has not read Reyes... Thom Wolf University Institute New Delhi, India

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