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This month, Buckner President and CEO Albert Reyes sat down to do a Q&A to discuss the ministries at Buckner International.

He covers topics such as fundraising, response to the pandemic, diversity, goals for 2022 and more. 

"Hope is still a rare commodity; it is not out of fashion, especially with what we're going through now with COVID and its impact," Reyes said. "Hope is still a viable thing that people need and people want, and it's available and it exists for us. There's so many unknowns for the future. Who knows what the future holds? We need the hope that Christ is there already, and he is not surprised with what's happening. He's waiting for us. And there's the promise of better things in the future. We just don't know when and how. So hope is still a commodity that's rare, and we're locked in on it because of our faith."

Watch the whole interview with Buckner President Albert Reyes.


Pàstor Kolli Chanti Babu says:
Dear Buckner.org president &CEO Reyes, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.I pray for you because I like your ministry work .If you give me any choice my mission work with you.(1.preaching 2) Teaching for poor children,3) Medical and health service for poor people,4) Social service.we do all services independent. So pray for you.

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