New year, new you!
As the new year is upon us, excitement, anticipation and hope fill our minds as we expectantly wait for new things to happen. We might make resolutions or have new goals we want to achieve. We might even make declarations that this year will be different – expecting God to grant us these things.
However, we are waiting for things to happen to us as we come to him - viewing ourselves as bystanders in our own lives. We want God to change things for us without changing anything in ourselves.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understating; In all your ways submit to him; and he makes your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
We have to come to him with a posture of surrender, submit to him and his ways and let go of our old ways of thinking and doing things. Our need to direct our own path can delay God’s plans to bless us. What we envision for ourselves is limited by our earthly beings, whereas God’s blessings supersede anything we can imagine for ourselves.
Our need to control our circumstances and outcomes will only hinder us from seeing the greatness of our Father and the miraculous ways in which he can bless our circumstances. We can be confident God will remove obstacles from our path and bring us to his appointed goals for our lives.
God has blessed us with gifts and talents, and it is only through following his plans for us we can truly use those gifts to the greatest potential. When we are in alignment with him and trusting him completely with our future, we grow in our faith and can demonstrate his greatness to others.
That means we must rely on God in all circumstances and continually pray for guidance and truly submit to him in all things. We must fully humble ourselves to put God at the forefront and let his greatness shine.
Written by Dior Burns, executive director for Buckner Children and Family Services in Houston, Texas.
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