The little church that could
New Beginning Bible Church sits half a football field off the road and behind the welcome sign indicating its presence. The white steeple-less church nestles perfectly among trees on a sprawling grass-covered lawn in Menlo, Ga., near the Tennessee border. Perched atop Lookout Mountain with a 2,000-foot drop to the valley below, this is a place where you can breathe deeply and hear your throughts tiptoe in.
A space that draws your eyes upward, your body immediately overshadowed by towering trees and puffy clouds in a blue sky.
This is where Michael and Sheila Dunwoody, pastor and his wife of New Beginning Bible Church, raised their family and continue to make their home. The church began with, and is sustained by, heartwarming people with a humble faith in God. The church's foundation is built on loving Jesus, serving one another and any other in the community who needs them.
For 23 years, the church has contributed new shoes and socks to Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls®. And this small Christian congregation of merely 37 members, most with limited incomes, has donated more than 20,000 new pairs of shoes over the years.
"This is a little church that can do big things, hard things," said Shawn Spurrier, director of Buckner Shoes. "The church is among the upper tier of churches donating shoes, for its number of contributions, across the entire 25-year history of Buckner Shoes."
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