The history
The idea of dedicating a time to raise awareness about adoption began in 1976 when the governor of Massachusetts created an Adoption Week for the state. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan created the first National Adoption Week for the country. President Bill Clinton expanded the awareness week into an awareness month in 1995. For the past 25 years, the United States has honored the month of November as National Adoption Month.
Children never outgrow the need for a family
National Adoption Month is a time many adopted persons, adoptive families and adoption advocates celebrate the miracle of adoption while also shining a light on the hard aspects of adoption. The month also highlights the need for adoptive families for children waiting to be adopted.
In the United States, there are more than 122,000 children waiting to be adopted. In Texas alone there are nearly 6,000 children waiting for a permanent place to call home.
What does it mean when a child is “waiting to be adopted?” It means the child’s biological parents’ rights have been terminated but the child will remain in foster care until they are adopted or age out of the system. Many of these youth are teenagers with just a few short years left before they will be launched into young adulthood on their own if they are not adopted. Children never outgrow the need for a family.
How to adopt a child or children through Buckner
At Buckner, we serve children and families through three different adoption options: Domestic Infant and Child Adoption, Waiting Texas Children and Foster-to-Adopt. Buckner Foster Care and Adoption also serves kinship families through kinship adoption. The process for all programs starts with attending a virtual information meeting.
Adoption is a lifelong process
Although adoption creates new families and provides children a home, it does not come without challenges before, during and after an adoption is finalized. It’s a common misconception that after an adoption process is complete the family and the child no longer face struggles. The truth is, both adopted persons and their adoptive families will face challenges long after the adoption is finalized.
The Bible calls Christians to protect children
Not every family is called to foster or adopt a child in need, but every Christian is called to care for the fatherless (James 1:27). Children who are waiting to be adopted and those in foster care need support, but it is crucial to support birth families and foster and adoptive families as well.
Ways you can help children in Texas
- Foster or adopt kids who need a safe, loving home for a season or a lifetime.
- Donate to child-placing agencies or nonprofits that do child welfare work.
- Provide wrap-around care for foster and adoptive families who welcome children into their home.
- Educate your church on how to support families on the front lines of this ministry.
- Raise awareness about the foster care crisis and the nearly 6,000 children waiting to be adopted in Texas.
- Pray for children waiting to be adopted, birth, adoptive and foster families, and child welfare workers.