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valentines day
Five ways you and your family can celebrate love this year
Lean into God's love together
Next week is Valentine’s Day and if you’re feeling like most, the world feels a little darker and dimmer these days. It may feel ingenuine to...

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ust being
Just 'being' is hard, but beautiful
A devotion on presence
We usually make two to three trips per year as a family. It’s particularly a must during or right after Christmas and over New Years Day. This...

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select buckner lookout mountain church day 1 photos 92
The little church that could
See how a small mountaintop church is doing big things to support Buckner Shoes
New Beginning Bible Church sits half a football field off the road and behind the welcome sign indicating its presence. The white steeple-less church...

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new year new you
New year, new you!
A devotion on submitting to God
As the new year is upon us, excitement, anticipation and hope fill our minds as we expectantly wait for new things to happen. We might make...

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08 june dr dr reyes giving shoes
Dr. Albert L. Reyes celebrates 15 years of leadership with Buckner International
Leading through changing directions, forging new paths and planning a future of continued impact
Today, Buckner International celebrates the 15th anniversary of electing Dr. Albert L. Reyes as its sixth president. He follows five others in the...

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feel your skin
I felt my skin
A devotion on empathy
Have you ever felt your own skin? I don’t mean touching your arm or hand. I mean, have you ever been aware of your own skin? ...

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select 20241009 120329 2 prayer circle
Weekly volunteers experience life enrichment
Not only does this group serve Buckner Shoes together, they grow together
There are volunteers and then there are “the coaches.” ...

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Buckner Kenya recognized for providing outstanding educational opportunities
Creating access to affordable and quality education to Kenyans creates equality for families
Buckner Kenya was recently recognized as Best in Education in the first annual Kenya NGO Awards. ...

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Glimmers in the new year
A devotion on joy
Have you heard of the term “glimmers?” ...

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The pathway from doubt to strength
Support through the Buckner Family Pathways® program created generational change
Lisa Olgin wasn't convinced Buckner should take a chance on her. After hearing from a friend about Buckner Family Pathways®, she was interested –...

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sharenting 2
How does online "sharenting" impact the safety and well-being of children
While it's become common to share a lot on social media, it may be wise to think twice before sharing your children's information
The internet: a place of connection and infinite information. But for parents, the internet can pose safety risks for their children they might not...

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just keep going
Knowing God through challenges
A devotion on endurance despite trials
"I’ve always wanted to be like those older wiser women in my church who I knew as a child, a student, a young adult. God has provided teachers and...

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