Melissa Grych

Buckner Kenya recognized for providing outstanding educational opportunities
Buckner Kenya was recently recognized as Best in Education in the first annual Kenya NGO Awards.

The pathway from doubt to strength
Lisa Olgin wasn't convinced Buckner should take a chance on her. After hearing from a friend about Buckner Family Pathways®, she was interested –...

A different journey
For years as a state trooper, Manny Alaniz knew he was protecting lives. But he questioned whether he was really saving them.

Home of the Buckner Hornets
On Oct. 14, about 40 volunteers from AT&T and City Year spent four hours meticulously hand painting a mural on the basketball court at Buckner...

Honoring a pioneer of Buckner programs
Alton Breedlove, a longtime beloved Buckner employee who pioneered family aid programs, died in August.

Houston church celebrating more than two decades of impacting vulnerable children
South Main Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, has supported Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls® almost as long as the humanitarian aid program has been...

Planting the seed for a Buckner Family Hope Center® in San Antonio
Even though San Antonio is the seventh largest city in the U.S., reports show its families are struggling to make ends meet. Almost 20% of Bexar...

Read transformative stories in Spanish
Because of your support, Buckner International impacts the lives of vulnerable children, families and seniors in Texas and internationally. Celebrate...

Latest Buckner Today magazine available now
You are making a difference in the lives of children and families served by Buckner. Learn how in the Spring issue of Buckner Today.

Banking program provides skills, experience and hope to Dallas families
Anniese Jenkins (pictured above, far left) was ready for a fresh start. After leaving transitional housing and moving into a new apartment with her...