Become an ally
The Buckner Family Hope Center in Longview has an unique volunteer opportunity for you to walk alongside a vulnerable family as an ally.
WHAT'S THE ROLE OF AN ALLY? Whether you call it ally, champion or mentor, the role is the same: be willing to learn about someone's story and walk beside them. The most effective ally relationships are one-on-one because this dynamic fosters trust and prevents students from feeling like they are exposing their work and financial history to a large group of people. Once you are committed to volunteer in one of these courses, we ask that you attend an ally training prior to the first day of class.
WHAT DOES THE FAMILY HOPE CENTER DO? In short, lots of things, but more specifically, the Buckner Family Hope Center is a community-based place of hope where families go to find strength and empowerment to reach their fullest God-given potential. The key to the Family Hope Center is not merely programs but the passion-driven staff and volunteers who devote themselves to walking alongside families through trials and struggles and ultimately towards success as defined by that family.
WHAT'S AN EMPOWERMENT CLASS? Family Hope Center empowerment projects are designed to address deeper needs of those living in poverty, as opposed to felt material needs. Studies of poverty alleviation have shown that the most effective means of meeting real needs centers around relational support and practical education for aid workers, volunteers and recipients of assistance. The two options for serving as an ally in our Family Hope Center are in Jobs for Life and Faith and Finances, both of which are programs used throughout the country.
WHERE DO I LEARN MORE? Attend one of our informational meetings on Jan. 9, at either 11:30 a.m. or 6 p.m. at the Family Hope Center located on 1014 S. High Street in Longview.
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