Block out the noise and hear God
Do you ever turn on the TV just to have some background noise? Perhaps the sound is comforting or you like to listen to the news as you cook dinner. This kind of background noise is a choice. However, some days a lot of noise coming at us isn’t by choice.
As the holidays get closer, more and more external noise tends to compete for our attention. The hustle of the holidays to find the perfect gifts, decorate all the things, visit with family and friends – maybe you find yourself hopping from one thing to the next and there’s little to no downtime to be still.
The problem with busyness and the noise that comes from never-ending to-do lists is that we may block important quiet time needed to hear God’s voice. As our world advances in technology, there’s digital noise through mobile phone notifications – even when our phones are silenced.
While it can be a challenge to find quiet time in our busy world, scheduling quiet time is necessary, regardless of the season. Just as you would put a coffee date with a close friend on your calendar, why not do the same for your quiet time with God?
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” - Proverbs 19:21
When we don’t slow down and seek God’s direction for our current season of life, it’s funny how that time is generally made for us through an unexpected situation. Have you ever gotten sick at a terrible time – perhaps in the middle of 900 things that all seem critical? But when your body isn’t well, it’s difficult and maybe even impossible to function, so you have little choice but to adjust and focus on self-care.
Before becoming overwhelmed or imbalanced this holiday season, attempting to be all and do all the things, try intentionally blocking out some quiet time with God. Don’t wait for it to find you. Instead, prioritize and schedule quiet time with God so you can hear his voice over the noise.
In our busyness, we may feel the need to be masters of our task lists, but oftentimes our task lists become the masters of us. When we surrender control and are obedient to listening to God’s direction for all aspects of our lives, we are not wasting time. We are investing important quality time to seek direction for kingdom work.
Written by Christie Gibson, senior director of marketing for Buckner International.
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