Buckner to Aid Flood Victims in Honduras
By Analiz González
Buckner International
(DALLAS, Texas) — Buckner International will ship $7,000 worth of shoes, socks, clothes, blankets and food to families affected by the severe flooding and mudslides in Honduras.
Buckner staff loaded the container on Monday, Oct. 27 for international delivery from the Buckner Center for Humanitarian Aid.
Torrential rains are pouring into the country, damaging crops, leaving people homeless and claiming 23 lives so far. And the government called for the evacuation of about 100,000 people, declaring it a national emergency.
The office of the First Lady of Honduras approached Buckner for aid and the response was immediate.
“Buckner is committed to help Honduras,” said Leslie Chace, Buckner director of ministry development for central and South American. “In the trips we’ve taken, we’ve been very welcomed by the government and of all the Latin American countries we’ve visited, we found Honduras to be the neediest.”
Buckner services in Honduras include humanitarian aid for children’s homes in the country and volunteer mission trips. Buckner is also looking into setting up a foster care program and transitional living programs.
Buckner will be delivering the shoes from this shipment to children living in orphanages in December as part of its Shoes for Orphan Souls ministry. For more information, visit www.ShoesforOrphanSouls.org.
To make a donation to support Buckner humanitarian aid efforts, click here.
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