Desperate needs = love
When we think about desperate needs in our world today, I believe one answer emerges … love. I don’t mean to sound cliché, but real, authentic, others-seeking, selfless love. Whether our needs come from dysfunction in our homes or relationships, fears of not having basic provisions, illness, job loss, injustices, etc., love conquers all.
During this time of uncertainty, we can trust in God’s Word which serves as a barometer and a compass for how we give love away. My hope today is for us to trust in the faith God has given us to be empowered to love well (1 Corinthians 13:13).
For years I wrestled with these terms: hope, faith, love, trust. I believe this abbreviated explanation: Hope comes out of my need for a Savior. It cannot be satisfied through things of this world, only through a relationship with Jesus.
Similarly, the only way I can love others as Jesus modeled is to first claim the love he bestowed on me. My relationship with him opens the door to develop my faith. Faith comes as a gift from God, an assurance of his love for me, though I cannot see it (Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 11:3). Trust is really all up to me! In order for others to trust me, I must be trustworthy. The same could be considered in my relationship with God. I trust in the faith he grants me because his promises ring true (Psalms 33:18) and he has demonstrated his love for me (Romans 5:8).
I want to look beyond my own needs to the needs of others (Philippians 2:3-4). I want us to point others to Jesus, who grants us relationship when we seek him. Our faith strengthens as it is tested and grows as we read his word and seek to be like him. We can trust the faith God gives us and allow him to love others through us as we empty ourselves and seek opportunities to serve others in need.
Are you with me?
“Let all that you do be done in love.” –1 Corinthians 16:14
Written by Jeff Jones, vice president of development administration at Buckner International.
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