Faith Focus: A servant's heart
Editor’s note: April is National Volunteer Month. All month, we’ll be featuring devotional thoughts from Buckner volunteers around Texas. If you’d like to browse our online database of current volunteer opportunities, click here.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” -Colossians 3:23-24
This verse speaks truth in a very honest and powerful way to transform our thoughts on the way we are serving. As the theme of this verse states so clearly, we are called to serve others as if we are serving the Lord. But the question that comes after reading this verse is how can we serve people around us better?
We need to serve others and be intentional about doing it. It is important not to focus on earthly things, but the things that come from above. We struggle to serve with the right motivation and how God intended. Let’s not lose sight of the privilege it is to serve others. While serving, we receive so much joy and blessing in return.
God shows us and provides guidelines to teach us how to serve and love. He says not to serve for approval and recognition. He tells us to not give room for a prideful heart and serve for our own glorification.
I have recently started as an intern at Buckner. Even on my first day, I could see a spirit of joyfulness and excellence at work. I was so welcomed and everyone wanted to stop by and introduced themselves to me. Everyone is so passionate about what they do that motivates me to work with excellence.
So let’s continue serving because our motivation comes from God. Let’s walk with God and show hope for this broken world that still needs to find the true love that God demonstrated for us on the cross.
Nadia Vaelatti is from Brazil and serving as an intern with Buckner during her senior year at DBU.
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