Faith Focus: Correcting a common misconception
The other day I was visiting with a single mom who is in the Buckner Family Pathways program. We were discussing what the program meant to her and all it had done for her family. She was overwhelmingly grateful for the housing, help with child care, supportive environment and spiritual enrichment.
They set the stage for a life transformation. “Because Mrs. Sharion took a chance on me and let me live here, my life turned around completely,” Breanae said.
Some will look at Breanae’s life and believe she was fortunate. And she was. God guided her to Buckner, which has served as a launchpad for her life. But believing she was simply fortunate is selling Breanae short.
Like many of the people Buckner serves, Breanae has worked incredibly hard to change her life. She called Buckner monthly for a long time to see if there was room for her at Family Pathways in Lubbock. When she finally got in, she took full advantage. She’s worked hard to excel at school and even harder to be an amazing mom.
People who see Breanae don’t see her study into the wee hours of the morning. They miss her waking up early to care for her young son. They overlook the occasional tears that are shed. They miss the daily grind it takes to become a better person.
When we think about the people God wants us to be, it can be intimidating. Sometimes it even seems impossible to become what we believe God is calling us to be.
If you’re faced with that today, let me encourage you not to look at where you believe God is calling you. Don’t look at the top of the mountain. From where you are, the journey to that summit may look unlikely.
Simply take the step God wants right in front of you. Do the next right thing. Put in the work. Let God work on you day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment. String enough of those times together and you might be surprised where you end up. Breanae has.
“They gave me a chance, and I’m happy to say I’m graduating next year,” she said. “It’s crazy.”
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands. –Psalm 90:17
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