Faith Focus: Expect the Unexpected
Brent and Savannah never thought they’d care for a child with special needs. But here was Zach, a “completely non-verbal” 2-year-old in their home. He had not been properly fed and had a high amount of drugs in his blood system.
Brent and Savannah were his foster parents through Buckner therapeutic foster care. They leaned heavily on their support system – speech therapists, counselors, Buckner caseworkers and friends – to help them create the best plan for Zach. Through intentional care and routine, Zach is close to reaching the appropriate developmental stage for his age.
“I never thought I would take in children with special needs,” Brent said. “But God puts it on your plate and it’s certainly biblical to do that. It’s been a conviction for us that we’re supposed to do that.”
God seems to love a good surprise. Throughout the Bible we see God doing the unexpected, working through the overlooked and turning the world upside down. Rahab is in Christ’s lineage. Saul becomes Paul. Even God’s son was born in a manger. It happens so much, maybe we should start expecting the unexpected.
Moses found himself faced with an unexpected calling in Exodus 3. God wants him to go to Pharaoh and free the Israelites in Egypt. Moses asks bluntly, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
God replied in verse 12: “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”
How will God surprise you this week? Will you remember his truth in Exodus 3:12? He will always be with you.
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