Faith Focus: Fear or faith?
Halloween is most often associated with things that go bump in the night. When we find ourselves in the darkness of uncertainty, every little noise can make us uneasy. We can’t see what’s going on around us. We don’t know what’s going on.
Darkness leaves us with two choices: Fear or faith.
Fear is too often our natural reaction to darkness. We recoil when surrounded by the unknown and try to protect ourselves. We are uncertain about our surroundings and therefore are uncertain of our place in them or how to get through them. So we become paralyzed.
God would rather us react to darkness with faith, following his lead and calling as he guides us through the situation. The vulnerable families and children served by Buckner International choose to walk by faith. Their lives are often filled with uncertainty, and they come to Buckner believing God will change their lives through the ministry.
Joshua 1:9b describes how children of God should react to darkness. This week, how will you respond to uncertainty?
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Deeper reflection:
- How do you see others living out of fear?
- What does it take to live by faith?
Next steps:
- Begin your day with prayer. Let God guide you through your day.
- Look for ways to help others who are struggling this week.
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