Faith Focus: Fighting words
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12
You aren’t pretty enough.
You talk too loud.
You’re boring.
You can’t be loved by anyone.
They are like constant whispers in my ear whenever I’m talking to someone, or when I’m home by myself. I hear them when I allow my insecurities to feed my soul.
I value words. As an editor and writer, words powerfully affect me. I am constantly seeking those spoken affirmations to confirm my feeling of self-worth.
But that is also why those deadly whispers hurt me so much. To my knowledge no one has ever voiced these whispers about me, but they exist inside of me. They sprout in unpredictable moments and leave me feeling vulnerable, unworthy, unappreciated, unloved and unimportant.
How am I supposed to be a confident woman of God when my insecurities echo their treacherous taunts to me? The answer: I can’t.
Here’s the problem with insecurities: they place too much of the focus on you and not on God. Whatever you dislike about yourself, whether it’s your body or your personality, be assured that if God gave it to you, then he can use it for his glory.
The solution is to hear other words, the words of someone who loves you just the way you are – God. He created you to be exactly as you are. He made you to be confident in him.
How do you fight insecurities? You shift the focus back to God – have an arsenal of Scripture ready to fight doubt and come up with reasons why you are perfect in God’s eyes.
When the whispers start, don’t let them get the last word. You may not believe it at first, but if you keep responding to insecurity’s taunts with reasons why God thinks differently, your heart will soon believe it. Because the funny thing is, the more we say something, the more we start to believe it.
So fight words with words. Because to God you are beautiful; you are wonderful; you are loved!
Aimee Freston is the print publications editor at Buckner International.
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