Faith Focus: God of turning points
Buckner Family Hope Center at Longview mother of two Vanessa Powell can remember the exact moment her life changed forever. She and her boyfriend were grocery shopping in Longview, Texas, when she got a phone call from an unknown number. She let the call go to voicemail and continued on, focused on shopping for an upcoming barbeque.
When she looked at her phone again she had another missed call, this time from her oldest daughter who lived in Tyler, Texas. When her 10-year-old daughter called from her home, Vanessa decided to answer, getting life-changing news.
The first call from was the transplant center where she had joined the organ registry two months earlier after a life-long battle with diabetes that led to kidney disease.
“The woman said, ‘Ms. Powell, we have a kidney and pancreas for available for you,’” Vanessa said. “I was worried they had made a mistake, but they confirmed that I was number one of the list.”
For Vanessa, the call was a turning point in her life, signifying God had greater plans. She felt God tell her he was there for her in whatever she decided to do, if she called on him for help.
The testimonies of families and children served through Buckner are filled with turning points. God continues fighting for them and for each of us. He carries people through extremely difficult times and delivers them to better times in unexpected ways.
“The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” –Deuteronomy 1:30-31
Deeper reflection:
- What have been the turning points in your life?
Next steps:
- Tell others this week how God has changed your life.
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