Faith Focus: 'I will be with you' in 2017
With the turning of the calendar, we often find ourselves turning introspective. We assess where we are and where we'd like to be. Statistics say 45 percent of us set goals and resolve to accomplish those tasks.
How are you doing with your resolutions? Research indicates a full quarter of people fail to maintain their resolutions for a week. Over half of resolutions fail within six months.
Why? Because change is hard. Each day, Buckner Family Hope Centers help families transform, become stronger and work toward self-sufficiency. The key word is work.
Life change requires us to live intentionally, carrying out the necessary tasks each day that lead us to our goals. Many of those actions aren't easy or glamorous. It involves waking up earlier, making better decisions and accepting help where needed.
Change isn't only hard; it can be scary. Taking the first step to change our lives or the lives of our families requires that we do something we may not have done before. We may not know how to do what we need to do or believe we can do it.
But we must. It's the only path to transformation. Fortunately, we have someone supporting us the entire way.
In Exodus 3, God is calling Moses back to Egypt where he is to lead the Israelites to the promised land. Moses responds with three different reasons he isn't qualified for the task. In essence, Moses makes excuses just like we do when faced with something we don't believe we can do.
God's first response is, as expected, perfect: "I will be with you."
Where will God go with you this year?
Deeper reflection:
- What are your goals for 2017? How will you accomplish them?
- Do you believe you can reach them?
Next steps:
- Please pray for the families Buckner serves. Pray they attain their goals this year.
- The start of the year is the perfect time to get involved in Buckner ministries. Check out our Volunteer Central today!
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