Faith Focus: #PotterItForward
Eighteen years ago, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was published, sparking a phenomenon that changed the lives of young people worldwide. Suddenly, a generation spoke of Hogwarts, Muggles and magic with the same kind of passion their parents reserved for Han, Luke and Leia.
Those children have grown up, had children of their own and are passing the tales of the boy wizard down to the next generation. With it, they’re sharing a piece of their hearts.
In a grassroots movement called Potter It Forward, copies of the Harry Potter books are popping up in second-hand bookstores nationwide with hand-written notes inside where people explain what the book meant to them. Images of the notes are scattered across social media with the hashtag #PotterItForward.
Many of the notes are meant to encourage others. One person wrote: “The world of Harry Potter saved me during my darkest hours. Use this to escape reality and to let your imagination free. Never forget that you are amazing. #PotterIfForward”
The passion to share a meaningful book is commendable. The desire to encourage someone else should be recognized. As Christians, we should have such a heartfelt desire for sharing the word of God.
There is no more personal book than the Bible. It’s God’s love story to us. It outlines his loving nature and desire to have a relationship with each one of us. The Bible has the power to speak directly to the heart of each person who reads it. It transforms lives.
If were to put a note in a Bible about what it means to you, what would it say? Share on Facebook Would you highlight a verse or two? Would you talk about the impact it had on your life?
In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul described Christians like this: “We are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
Everything we do, everything we say should communicate the hope of Christ to those around us. We should constantly be writing short messages to others through word and deed. Will today be note-worthy for you?
Deeper reflection:
• How excited do you get about opportunities to read the Bible?
• What one message is God giving you through the Bible lately? Who else in your life may need to hear that?
Next steps:
• Share what God is teaching you through his Word with one person today.
• Volunteer through Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls® where you can write notes that accompany shoes sent around the globe. Be an encouragement to a vulnerable child.
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