Faith Focus: So now what?
I hope your Easter weekend was filled with friends and loved ones gathered to celebrate the risen Christ and what his victory over death means for each of us. The resurrection of Christ is like no other event in human history. It provides a way for all of us to have a relationship with God.
Undoubtedly many of you who read this each week have embraced that chance and have a strong relationship with God. Easter is an opportunity to stand before the empty tomb and celebrate the risen Lord.
But today it’s Monday. So now what? As Christians, what are we supposed to do in the wake of Christ’s resurrection?
John 20 gives us some insight in the form of Mary Magdalene:
Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” –John 20:1-2
Upon seeing the rock had been moved, Mary takes off running. She’s not lollygagging here. There’s an urgency to get to someone else as quickly as she can. She’s moving with purpose.
The second item of note is that her urgency is directed at telling someone what has happened. The rock has been moved! This is big news. Mary is compelled to tell someone what’s happened.
Mary’s urgency to tell someone sets off a chain reaction. Simon Peter and John come to the tomb. Mary is left sobbing. Jesus begins appearing, first to Mary, then to other disciples. The good news of the resurrection spreads quickly.
Today, when someone is captured by this kind of urgency to tell someone what has happened, it sets off a similar chain reaction. I learned about one such instance just the other day in Conroe.
The mothers in the Buckner Family Pathways program in Conroe – a ministry that strengthens and empowers single-parent families while helping moms and dads reach their educational goals – have started holding what they call “pep rallies” recently.
They began when one woman felt compelled to share what has happened in her life. She testified about God’s goodness, grace and mercy and how he is transforming her. Upon hearing her story, another woman stood and shared. Then another.
The entire group was encouraged. They bonded. People were drawn to God. They were determined to continue following God on their respective journeys.
Now the pep rallies are among the most crucial pieces of the Family Pathways program. The ladies look forward to it. They can relate to each other's stories because each of them has faced hardships. The stories give other people hope and confidence they can pull through their situations. The stories they share change lives.
Just like Mary's upon seeing the empty tomb.
This week, will you run with urgency to tell others what God has done for you?
Deeper reflection:
- What has Christ done in your life through his death and resurrection?
- Read John 20. What do you think was going through Mary’s head after she saw the rock had been rolled away and the subsequent events in the chapter?
Next steps:
- Run with urgency to tell someone the good news of Christ’s resurrection this week.
- Don’t know where to start? Check out our Volunteer Central for opportunities for you to serve through Buckner. Live out the gospel through service.
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