Faith Focus: The God who remains
When it comes to my day to day, I can be somewhat of a control freak. I’m not a fan of change and deviating from plans, or being late, has the tendency to get under my skin. The transition into this new position at Buckner – as well as the transition out of my old position – has proven an opportunity for me to choose to dive deeper in my relationship with God or to be swept up in how uncomfortable I am with all the “new” around me.
Growing up, I would panic over the first day of school or the first day of anything I thought I hadn’t experienced before – convincing myself I wasn’t prepared enough. But lucky for me, God is consistent – he brings us to each day with a purpose, showing up over and over again. Over these last few weeks at Buckner, God has spoken reminders that no matter what the day has ahead of me, he is beside me.
When it comes to navigating new traffic patterns or not quite knowing what each day’s agenda will look like, I am learning to take an active pause. To pause and give God the space to bring in the peace and comfort only he can bring. Thankfully, God is not like us – he doesn’t overreact like we do in traffic jams or get overwhelmed at the day’s to-do list.
When I think about my life changes in the perspective that God remains, I am reminded of the many ways David’s life changed – for good, for bad, through sin and through God’s blessing. Through all of it, God was beside David. From the very beginning, David was called by God to great things – just like you and me. He was sought out from amongst his brothers to be anointed.
“Then the Lord said, ‘Rise and anoint him; this is the one.’”
No matter when David was brave against Goliath, or when Saul was trying to kill him, or when he sinned and fell away from God, God remained and called him his own. David is someone I look up to because he always sought to find his way back to God, and no matter the trials he was facing, God could be found.
Whether you are struggling with life transitions, loss in your family, financial difficulties or even things you might think God considers little – rest in the truth that he remains beside us in the small, as well as in the big and tough things. Our God is consistent and near.
“That they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.” – Acts 17:27
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