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Faith Focus: The God who remembers

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home with parents who diligently taught me about the love of Christ and the need for a Savior. Because of that, I have been a follower of Jesus since I was young.

In college, I made a commitment to myself and to God to be a woman who always said yes to God, regardless of how hard it could be, and sometimes it was hard. Saying yes to God had me giving up material items, sacrificing my time, switching careers and even moving across country.

There also has been a lot of joy and security as I watched God provide for me when I was financially struggling, as he brought friends I desperately needed into my life and feeling his love as I traveled through life.

As most of you could probably relate, choosing to follow Christ has brought both high and low moments in my life, but no matter the experience, I have seen God’s character shine through and minister to me in so many ways.

Because he is the God who remembers. He remembered Noah and his family on the ark after he flooded the earth (Genesis 8:1). He remembered his covenant with Abram and gave him a son, Isaac (Genesis 21:2-3). He remembered Joseph while he was unjustly prisoned in Egypt and gave him favor among those who kept him captive (Genesis 39:21). He remembered the Israelites as they were slaves in Egypt and sent them Moses to set them free (Genesis 2:24-25). He remembered Hannah and opened her womb after she begged the Lord for a child (1 Samuel 1:19-20).

God remembered his people throughout the generations (Psalm 105:8) and continues to remember us each and every day. No matter what we are going through – the calm or the storm – the Lord sees and remembers us. He loves us and cares for us. 

It’s what has inspired this Faith Focus series: “The God who is.” Each week, I’ve been remembering a time when God showed me a piece of himself. Like the Israelites who set up stone pillars after God performed a miracle as a physical reminder of God’s faithfulness, these devotions are a way to remember who God is and what he does for his people.

Take each Monday to reflect on who God is and what he is doing in your life and this week take comfort that he is a God who remembers you.

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.” –Deuteronomy 7:9


Edward Sande says:
I am really blessed already gotten a sermon on this. May God bless you abundantly
Mulenga Grace Mwamba says:
I feel encouraged. l have been going through a lot. l pray and believe God will remember me some day the way he did to those who passed through difficulty. Amen

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