Faith Focus: ‘The pleasing aroma of Christ’
When Vivi first came to her Buckner foster home, she was frightened to be away from her foster mother, Robin. Her foster mother meant comfort, safety and peace in a world that had been turned upside-down.
In an effort to comfort Vivi, Robin squirted a bit of her body spray inside Vivi’s shirts. Whenever Vivi got scared, she could smell the “momma spray” and know that she had a little of momma with her.
For Vivi, the smell of her mother was comforting. It served as a reminder that someone cares for her. Similarly, 2 Corinthians 2:15 says, “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved ….” Faith, hope, love and peace should permeate all we do, drawing people to God.
When people sense the presence of God, it changes them. It’s like breathing fresh air for the first time. God brings life where there previously was none. As people experience life for the first time, they want to share their new faith with others.
After a while, Vivi no longer needed “momma spray.” She grew stronger and more confident after being with her mom.
One morning, Robin told Vivi she’d miss her while Vivi was at school. The young girl ran out of the room and quickly returned with a bottle in her hand. It was a small container of perfume she received for Christmas. Vivi wanted to spray it on her mom’s shirt so she’d have her daughter with her throughout the day.
Deeper reflection:
- What does it mean to be “the pleasing aroma of Christ?”
- Spiritually speaking, how do you smell to other people?
Next steps:
- Comfort someone who needs it this week.
- About 31,000 Texas children are in the foster care system. Will you be the “aroma of Christ” for them? Click here to learn how you can become a foster or adoptive parent.
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