Faith Focus: Three lessons from Mary on motherhood
Jesus’ mother, Mary, may be the most famous mom in the world. She’s the subject of countless pieces of art, books and theological conversations. It’s only natural to study her life as we lead up to Mother’s Day. She was charged with raising the Son of God. That’s quite a responsibility. It’s a task with pressures and situations that many of us can’t fathom. It’s a role she embraced with grace and compassion. Here are three lessons on motherhood we can draw from the life of Mary. Mary didn’t always know what to do. This might be the most comforting aspect of Mary’s life – and the most relatable. When the angels announce Christ’s coming birth, Mary is taken aback. She’s unsure why she was chosen and how to move forward. How many moms feel the same way each day? How many moms in the middle of the hustle and bustle of life, work, parent-teacher conferences, play dates, homework, practices, birthday parties and endless other events find themselves wondering if they’re raising their children properly? Mary had faith. Despite her uncertainty, she moved forward faithfully. Mary’s son was born of a virgin. He performed miracles. And he died on a cross. Surely, this isn’t the life she had in mind when giving birth to Jesus. He is the King of Kings, after all. Still, she pressed forward. She believed God had a plan for her son. Mothers are continually reminded of the dangers that surround their children. They want what’s best for them. As they raise them, mothers must trust God is working in their children’s lives. Mary was present. Mary encouraged Jesus to turn water into wine, his first miracle. She was there when he died on Calvary. She cared deeply about him. Mary never stopped loving Jesus. No matter what. The ministry of Buckner is filled with mothers who care for their children in much the same way Mary loved Jesus. This week, let’s celebrate the mothers in our lives as they continue loving their children faithfully. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. –Luke 1:30 Deeper reflection:
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