Finding the gift in the desert
I love the desert. In fact, it's where I got married! But as much as I love it, I realize not everyone feels the same way.
The desert can be viewed as a place of beauty, mystery and intrigue. It can also be viewed as a place of isolation, barrenness and extreme heat. Neither is wrong, they’re just different perspectives.
Today, I want to explore another way to view the desert. Throughout Scripture when ‘the wilderness’ or ‘the desert’ is referenced, it often mentions that God is leading someone into it.
“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” - Matthew 4:1
Or when the Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert, Scripture tells us God led them through it and watched over their journey.
Why would God do this? I believe one reason was to show his faithfulness and power. Without God sustaining us, we would die in the desert. I also believe because there are few voices or distractions in the desert, God will sometimes lead us there to speak to us.
If you’re going through a “desert season," I want to encourage you today. Instead of viewing the desert as a barren place of punishment, let’s try to look at it as a place where God’s power can be felt and his voice can be heard the loudest.
What is he speaking to you today?
Written by Maria Pagano, director of mid-rising donor engagement for Buckner International.
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