God is unchanging
In my teenage years, I found myself complaining to a friend about the ever-changing nature of life. His response was, “Change is the only constant in life.” I was so astonished by his wisdom and intellect until he admitted that a Greek philosopher came to that conclusion almost 2,500 years ago. And as it turns out, that guy was up to something!
The only thing our philosopher friend failed to notice is that God is also unchanging. He “is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8) and with him, “there is no variation or shifting shadow” (James 1:17).
Accepting that truth, however, was not enough to grow in my faith. It's one thing to know and believe the doctrine of God’s unchanging-ness, but it is a completely different ballgame to let it manifest itself in my mind and my day-to-day life.
In his book "Renovation of the Heart," Dallas Willard dedicates two chapters to study the transformation of the mind. He writes: “My patterns of thinking will conform to the truths of scriptural revelation, and I will extend and apply those truths, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to all of the details of my life.”
My thoughts on who God is will shape my attitudes, which will inevitably show in my words and actions.
When we think about God, what do our thought patterns reveal about his character? Despite the constant change around us, do we truly believe he is unchanging?
Today, as we all face different changes and challenges in our lives, let us train our minds to dwell on the God who will never change. We stand on the solid ground of his Word, knowing that we have an anchor in our unvarying God.
Written by Kameel Atweh, church engagement officer in Houston and Southeast Texas for Buckner International.
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