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God's got a way

By Brenda Hickman

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)

I absolutely love sharing our story of adoption with anyone who has an ear to listen. Through grace and mercy, I was finally able to get up after struggling with miscarriages and infertility, wipe away my tears, and take God at his word. He spoke to me and said simply, “Everything is going to be all right.” My barrage of questions such as “When?” and “How?” was gone. I was able to accept that it would be OK.

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 (ESV)

I was sitting in the beauty salon one day reading a book when I overheard a conversation between a hair stylist and a customer. They were gushing over the fact that a mutual friend had just adopted a newborn baby girl. Until that point, I had never really considered adoption – I didn’t think it was the option for me. The Lord had told me everything was going to be all right, and I was waiting on him.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8 (KJV)

My husband and I became excited as we began seeing God’s plan for us. Armed with questions, we began our search for just the right adoption agency. We went to a symposium that answered adoption questions via a panel that consisted of an agency director, a guest social worker and others. I learned some things, but was not completely sold – at least not with that particular agency.

So, we trudged on to yet another appointment with an agency someone had suggested. This time, it just felt better. I can’t explain why, but it seemed as though these were the people that were supposed to help us on our journey. They felt like "home."

When the contracted social worker came to do our home study, it was the guest panelist social worker that had been present at the first agency we visited! What a coincidence.

After a bit of waiting, we received a phone call from our agency with news that the social worker who had worked with us on our home study was now working at Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services. When a little girl became available for adoption at Buckner, God laid it on the social worker’s heart to see if we were still waiting. The two agencies worked together, and the rest is history.

God does have a way, and a sense of humor. I cannot help but chuckle when I think that we went through three agencies just to end up with one that is almost within walking distance from our home. Eighteen years later, we are all so happy that we followed his path and not our own. Yes, God’s way always yields better than expected results; stay with him and you will NOT be disappointed!

Brenda Hickman lives in Dallas with her husband Kenneth. They have recently become empty-nesters as their daughter Khayla has moved to Prairie View, Texas, in pursuit of her bachelor’s degree from Prairie View A&M University.

Prayer of the Week:
-God, we pray for families who are struggling to see your hand in their adoption process. We pray that you would be near to them and use the struggles in this season of life to build their faith and trust in you.

Editor's note: This devotional was taken from Faith Focus, a weekly devotional email written by Buckner staff, foster and adoptive families, mission trip participants and more. November is National Adoption Month. To learn more about the ways you can Be A Family to a vulnerable child through Buckner, please visit www.beafamily.org


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