Hope shines at 2012 Convencion conference
By John Hall
Baptist Standard
SAN ANTONIO – “Rays of light” are flowing through the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas to impact people for Christ across the state and beyond.
Through the convention as well as it’s partnerships with Texas Baptists and Buckner International, Hispanic congregations are meeting physical and emotional needs, Jesse Rincones said in his presidential address during the HBCT Annual Meeting.
Through Texas Baptists’ offices of Hispanic ministries, Hispanic evangelism and River Ministry, thousands of people embraced the hope of Christ during the past year. Through Buckner, physical needs were met for some of society’s most vulnerable individuals. Texas Baptists’ Hispanic Education Initiative sought to help Hispanics achieve their educational goals.
During the annual meeting, the Hispanic convention gave more than 2,800 shoes for Buckner’s Shoes for Orphan Souls program. Twenty-four students received college scholarships.
“Thank you for your rays of light – to the soul, to the mind and to the physical body,” Rincones said.
By working together, Hispanic Baptists can have the greatest impact, said Albert Reyes, president/CEO of Buckner. Christians are to let the light of Christ shine through their lives. When Christians cooperate, their lights come together brilliantly.
“When we work together, the light is brighter,” Reyes said.
God is moving mightily among Hispanic Baptists, Rincones said. He already is bringing people into a relationship with Him through Hispanic Baptists. God will continue to reach more people.
“God is calling us,” Rincones said. “He is making us strong. He also is strengthening our minds.”
The reach of Hispanic Texas Baptists extends beyond the state line, Rincones noted. Hispanic student mission teams will serve in Venezuela, East Asia and New York City this summer. One of those teams was commissioned during the convention’s annual meeting.
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