Joining forces to support vulnerable children
Last week, Buckner Westminster Place hosted a party to celebrate their contributions to the local Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls® shoe drive. The Longview community shoe drive ran from April 25 to June 10. Westminster Place residents collected $1,600 to donate to purchasing new shoes for vulnerable children and families. The party attendees enjoyed fellowship and ice cream sundaes – with all the toppings.
Working alongside the Buckner programs in Longview, radio station KNVE and other organizations, this drive will impact 2,000 local children at the annual Longview School Supply Train. Each year, the annual School Supply Train collaborates with churches and groups to give families access to school supplies like backpacks, uniforms and new shoes.
“It’s always a blessing to be able to partner with Buckner Westminster Place and their residents to serve children in our communities,” said Shelly Smith, Buckner director of administration and operations in Longview. “Their generosity this year will allow us to provide hope for children within our programs and our community. What a better way to start a new school year than with a brand new pair of shoes.”
A pair of new shoes can transform a child’s life. For many families, receiving this new pair of shoes is often the first step to connect them to education, programs and mentoring available at the Buckner Family Hope Center™.
“Seeing the Longview community come together over the past few weeks to support local children and Buckner Shoes has been such a great experience,” shared Emily Johnson, engagement manager for Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls. “Churches, businesses and organizations are excited to see lives transformed through the gift of shoes, and that is something truly special.”
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