King Foundation Gives $15,000 to Foster Children
By Analiz González Schremmer
Buckner International
(MIDLAND, Texas) — Buckner International Hearthstone received $15,000 from the King Foundation in Dallas.
Buckner Hearthstone is a therapeutic foster home that serves abused, neglected and abandoned children in Midland who have been removed from their homes by Child Protective Services.
The children live there until they return home, are placed with a relative or become part of an adoptive family. Hearthstone serves up to 12 children from birth to age 17.
“The donation from the King Foundation comes as a huge blessing to the children,” said Jerrilynn Armstrong. “Buckner needs to raise thousands of dollars from the community to cover the cost that isn’t taken care of by Child Protective Services, Buckner endowments and school lunch. So every bit of the donation will be put to good use.
Kathy McGee, director of foster care in Buckner Midland said she is very excited about the King Foundation. “I am personally very grateful for the King Foundation. I don’t think people realize sometimes how much of a difference a gift like this can make in the lives of our children.”
Michelle Monse, president of Car. B. & Florence E. King Foundation said that older children and sibling groups in foster care typically have few good options.
“We supported Hearthstone because it addresses that need through long-term foster care for these valued, but vulnerable children.”
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