Kneeling in prayer
Editors note: Buckner President and CEO Albert Reyes wrote this post reflecting on current events. He reminds readers of a biblical duty to not only speak against injustice, but to act to correct it. You can see the full article on his blog:
Today, while the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our country faces a new crisis, one that unlike the coronavirus, has plagued our nation for generations. The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the subsequent demonstrations across the country have diverted our attention from the pandemic.
Beyond the biblical and theological issues presented by brutality and overt racism, I have personal experience with both law enforcement and racism. I grew up in a law enforcement home. My dad, who is now with the Lord, served as a U.S. Marine, a businessman, and a peace officer. Dad was a deputy constable and deputy sheriff in Nueces County in South Texas. He also served in the U.S. Marshals Service for the federal court.
He taught my brothers and I to respect the rule of law, while at the same time respecting the rights and dignity of those who break the law. Dad demonstrated respect for every person he arrested or apprehended. He never saw himself as judge, jury, prosecutor, or defense. And while my dad was far from perfect, he had a reputation at the jailhouse, courtroom, and on his beat as someone who treated others with respect, regardless of their race or ethnicity.
I am deeply grieved by the numerous examples of blatant disrespect and lack of human dignity shown to people of color. Our country has a long and growing list of people who were victims of racial, systematic, and institutional racism.
Read the rest of Dr. Albert Reyes' article regarding current events on his blog:
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