LUBBOCK: National Foster Care Month
LUBBOCK, TX -- May is National Foster Care Month. Right now in Texas, more than 30,000 children are in the foster care system; 10,000 of them are ready for adoption. These are great kids who need a loving home. Families can join Buckner to make life better for a child through Buckner foster care and foster-to-adopt services, or through adoption of Texas Waiting Children.
Every day in the Lubbock area, children are removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Right here in the Lubbock and surrounding areas, there are about 931 children still in need of supportive homes in our own backyard. If interested, Buckner will give you all of the resources and education you need as they walk along side you throughout the entire process.
During the month of May, Buckner International is striving to raise awareness about these children in need of loving homes. Buckner has a regular monthly information meeting for anyone interested in learning more. Contact Buckner for any questions at 806-795-7151. You can also visit Buckner Children and Family Services at 129 Brentwood Ave. or go online to
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