Making a Difference
Dallas company shuts its doors, serves Buckner seniors for a day
By Amy Stone
Buckner International
DALLAS — The Buckner Retirement Village was filled with helping hands June 11 when Convergint Technologies’ staff and families revamped the campus for their annual service day.
Convergint Technologies, a company that designs, installs, and services building systems, put their knowledge and expertise to work transforming the Buckner campus in just one day.
“Our goal is that the work we do will provide long term maintenance and beautify the Buckner Retirement Village for all of the residents,” said Glen MacPherson, a Convergint Technologies employee.
Every year Convergint Technologies shuts down all of their branches on the day they were founded and each branch does a project in their city.
“We are founded on 10 values and beliefs. Number 9 is we must have balanced lives between our community, families, and business,” said David Franklin, an employee of Convergint Technologies. “Our Social Responsibility Day is just one way that we can give back to the community.”
The company was founded in 2001 and began the tradition of their annual Social Responsibility Day in 2002, when only six branches existed, on the anniversary of the company’s founding. This year, 24 Convergint Technologies offices closed to work in 24 different cities across the nation.
Alicia Russell, executive director of the Buckner Retirement Village, said they were grateful for the help.
“They have such big hearts and their resources were so helpful. They brought every tool, wire, plant, and truck that they are using. They donated everything,” she said.
One of the main projects the group worked on was the installation of a new nurse call system for residents.
“We ran wire through the entire hallway and drilled into each room to install the call button that will tell the head nurse station which room and resident is requesting assistance,” MacPherson said.
Convergint Technologies not only updated the nurse call system, but they also repainted, landscaped and did manicures for the residents.
Becky Brunson, wife of Vice President Mike Brunson, is a civil engineer. She and Bill Morales, another Convergint employee, inspected and fixed the rain runoff system for the grounds.
“The retaining wall was falling into the drain,” Brunson said. “Water had leaked behind it, so we put braces into it that would keep it from falling anymore.”
During lunch, Alicia Russell and Charlie Wilson, senior vice president of Buckner Retirement Services, Inc., presented Convergint Technologies with an award for their service.
“It’s wonderful to see the dedication and poise of a company that has a larger purpose and gives back to the community,” Wilson said. “Not only the employees of Convergint Technologies’ Dallas office participated, but many brought their family members, too. It was great to see their commitment and hard work.”
Convergint Technologies repainted the columns, fences, and Fire Lanes at the Buckner Retirement Village in Dallas, as part of their Social Responsibility Day.
Anita Hailey, Convergint Technologies service, gives Buckner Retirement Village resident, Francis Canon, a manicure while hearing stories about her childhood.
According to residents of the Buckner Retirement Village, one of the greatest gifts that Convergint Technologies gave them were new American and Texan flags.