National Foster Care Month: Be inspired by Buckner families
May is National Foster Care Month, an annual event dedicated to increasing awareness of the need for safe and loving families for children who have been removed from their homes, often due to abuse or neglect. But the current foster care crisis in Texas has already put this issue in newsfeeds this year.
In 2016, the foster care system in Texas has experienced several challenges—leadership transitions, structural changes, increasing numbers of children being removed from their homes—leaving children to spend the night in state office buildings.
The need for families to step in is more urgent than ever. During the next month, we are sharing the stories of three Buckner foster families who are giving hope to children and teens in need. We hope you're inspired by these testimonies, compelled to respond in support of one or several of the more than 31,000 children in foster care by becoming a foster family.
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