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Project Go: 9 ways to find your purpose

Want to do something different with your summer and make an eternal impact for God's Kingdom? Look no further than Project Go, a month-long volunteer missions trip with Buckner International for college students and young adults. See how past students have found their purpose and calling in life all because of one month with Project Go!

1. “I Project Go-ed because I believe in living for something more than myself, stepping outside of my comfort zone and expanding myself to new horizons. I Project Go-ed because I wanted to do God's work in areas I had never explored. And lastly, I Project Go-ed because I knew it would change my life (which indeed it did) and push me closer to God.” –Shea Svendson // Louisiana State University // Peru 2014



2. “I have made wonderful friendships with my team members and also with people from Russia and the Dominican Republic. It is pretty neat being able to say you have friends all over the world!” –Heather Villareal // Texas Tech University // Russia 2014 and Dominican Republic 2015


3. “Project Go wrecked me because of the people I met abroad, the people I served with and the children I loved, who will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. Project Go changed my major at school, the relationships I had at home and it changed the contents of my heart. For the better, the way I live my life and the way I love God are unrecognizable from the person I was before I left.” -Megan Levers // Texas A & M University // Kenya 2012 and 2013


4. Project Go allowed me to be a part of Christian missions around the world where I could worship God in another language, see the glory of God through children's eyes and see a place I have wanted to see my whole life! –Elena Hall // Baylor University // Russia 2015


5. I have met and fell in love with kids who are always on my mind and heart. I experienced the love of Christ through children even when we didn’t speak the same language. –Heather Villareal // Texas Tech University // Russia 2014 and Dominican Republic 2015


6. It wrecked my life by creating new friendships and getting to meet people who share a passion for missions. I know we will be lifelong friends! –Claire Mosely // Baylor University // Peru 2013 and Guatemala 2015


7. This trip has truly taught me what our purpose as Christians is: to testify the gospel of grace. I can’t imagine a more joyful or perfect task for my life! My sole purpose, in everything I do, is to display the light of God here on earth. I don’t know how it took me so long to learn this, but it is a life-changing truth. And I am thankful for the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ, carrying out this task. –Rachel Miley // Samford University // Guatemala 2013


8. We have seen, felt and heard things we could never have imagined, and never would have if it were not for the power of the Lord. He brought us to Guatemala for a reason, but I don’t think we will ever fully understand that reason until we reach him in heaven. My prayer is that we shine our lights for the Lord, that we don’t let them be hidden under anything. It didn’t feel like we did much, because honestly, what can we really do? Our trip was so small compared to those who do this every single day. It comforts all of us to know when we leave, love will continue. –Kelli Gunkle // Daytona State College // Guatemala 2013



9. Project Go changed my life because it allowed me to see the Lord in new ways through the eyes of His children in Kenya. I learned so many more facets of His character through their love, hospitality and zeal for life. I will never forget the way my heart was encouraged in Kitale. –Krista Askey // Dallas Baptist University // Kenya 2013


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