Reflecting on Easter
We don’t have a resurrection to life without a crucifixion to death. Good Friday is good for us, not so good for Jesus who was crucified that day. An innocent man who lived a perfect and sinless life went to a cross to die on our behalf to take the punishment of our sins so we might be set free from sin. Before we reap the harvest of joy and celebration of Easter, let’s not forget about Friday and the price Jesus paid in death.
On the day he rose from the dead, Jesus appeared to many disciples and followers. John 20:19 tells of one of those appearances. The disciples are huddled in a room, behind locked doors when Jesus appears to them. He didn't knock or walk through the door, he just appeared among them.
The disciples had the door locked because they feared the Jews. John says, “Jesus came and stood among them…” Beyond the fear they had for the Jews, it must have been fearful to see Jesus in their midst from one moment to the next. It was another post-resurrection appearance.
Jesus always knows what to say.
The first thing he said was “Peace be with you!” He showed them his hands and feet and they were overjoyed to know it was the Lord, the risen Lord. Once again, he said, “Peace be with you!” and then added: “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone they are forgiven, if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
While we may have celebrated Easter yesterday, remember Jesus is always present with us through the Holy Spirit. He offers us peace in our chaos. He sends us out on a mission, even a mission to forgive those who offend us. The hope and joy of Easter lasts much longer than one day.
Written by Dr. Albert Reyes, president and CEO of Buckner International.
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