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Sharing the steadfast love of the Lord with others

A devotion on mercy

How different would our lives look if we truly understood and accepted the Lord’s mercy toward us? In a world that is increasingly hurried and task-driven, I often observe people treating others as inconveniences or as stumbling blocks to the to-do list ahead of them. And although I would not like to admit it, when I feel pressure to make every minute of my day count, I can fall into this sin as well.
I was convicted of it last week, when I found myself in a long line at the pharmacy. I overheard the customer at the counter growing impatient with the pharmacist. Voices were elevated and passive aggressive insults were thrown. Apparently, the pharmacy did not have the prescription in stock that the customer needed. Although the misunderstanding was frustrating, how different would that interaction have been if the customer had used a merciful perspective?  
When we are constantly in awe of the truth God has abundant mercy for us – even when it comes to our deepest sins – how much more merciful would we be to others when we experience daily disappointments? When we remember our perfect Father’s mercies are new every morning, how can our broken mercy and grace toward others have an expiration date?

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." – Lamentations 3:22-23

When we are aware that we deserve death, but have received life abundantly, how can we treat others as frustrations rather than image-bearers of God?
As we move forward through the upcoming week, and inevitably face disappointments, interruptions and inconveniences, may we reflect on the miraculous mercy we have been given, and ask God to grant us the strength to show his grace to those around us in a way that reflects his love to a hurting world.

Written by Audra Beaty, social media strategist for Buckner International.


Michelle says:
Thank you, this is a beautiful reminder that came as always when I needed to read this most. I struggle at times in this area due to the busyness of my days. Just being a light for Jesus in every opportunity would be heart healthy God bless you and your ministy

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