Single mom builds foundation for success
Being a young mother is never easy. There’s so much to learn, so much to adjust to and so little sleep.
It’s even harder when you don’t know where your next meal is coming from.
“When I had my son, I was struggling,” Breanae Campbell recalls. “I couldn't pay for food. I couldn't pay rent. I was always worried about – it's going to make me cry, going back down memory – but I couldn't do a lot of things.”
The situation made life difficult for Breanae and her son Maddex. But not hard enough to crush Breanae’s spirit. She pushed forward, looking for ways to improve her situation, holding on to a dream to enroll at Texas Tech University. She even took a tour of the campus.
“I was going to transfer to Texas Tech,” she says. “I was going to make it work, and then I had asked them if they had any availability anywhere for single moms so that I can bring my son. But they didn't. And she said, ‘But you know what, there's this place,’ and they gave me a brochure to Bucker. And I always say with like a faith of God, because it was the last one that it had.”
With a roof over her head and support unlike any she’d ever had, Breanae had the foundation in place to succeed. She knew being part of Buckner Family Pathways in Lubbock was an incredible opportunity. It was up to her to take advantage of it.
“Buckner is very picky about who they let live in here,” she says. “They want to help everyone, but you have to have the will and you have to show them that you want to change. Because Miss Sharion took a chance on me in letting me live here, my life turned around completely. I went from always being in debt, always worrying about money or where we were going to live, to having a future now. I didn't have a future. So, yeah, Buckner's picky about who they are, but it's for a reason. You don't want to just come in here and take advantage of this. This is an opportunity. This is a chance for you to turn your life around. I'm proof. I love it.”
Through individual sessions, group classes and a lot of hard work, Breanae’s life began to change.
“Whenever I'm in school I put my all into it,” she says. “I try to stay focused, and with my son, I try to use the tools that Buckner gives you, because Buckner also tries to help you be a parent.
“They want you to raise children of faith. They want you to be a better parent, be more patient in everything."
Family Pathways most dramatically affected Braenae’s relationship with her son. Prior to Family Pathways, she was working so hard she barely got to be with her son. Stress weighed heavily on her.
“When I came here, Maddex was two,” Braenae says. “He's four now, and it's just, our relationship is better. It's stronger. He knows me. My son really didn't know me when I first came here. I was working so much that I started to think that he thought my mom was his mom and so now, because of Buckner, I have a relationship with my son.”
Braenae and Maddex’s future are bright. Together, they have confidence they can achieve their goals.
“Buckner gave me a chance to get up off my feet,” Braenae says with a smile. “It was very overwhelming because everyone here just wants to see you succeed. They want to see you have a relationship with God and they want to see you grow. And I didn't have that for a very long time. They gave me a chance and I'm happy to say that, I mean, it's crazy. I'm graduating next year. It's real crazy.”
This summer, you can shine twice as much hope into the lives of single-parent families than ever before, thanks to a generous matching grant from a donor family to support Buckner Family Pathways.
Should you feel led to make a special investment to be doubled by the Matching Grant, we’d be truly grateful. Any portion of the grant not matched will be lost, so we’re hoping for a strong outpouring of support to help mend more broken lives.
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