Single mom continues journey toward nursing despite a pandemic
Originally from Nigeria, Line Cheudjieu was determined to create a better life for her and her 4-year-old daughter, Emma. She arrived at Buckner Family Pathways in Midland in 2019 with motivation and drive.
“My current environment wasn’t creating growth like I wanted, especially for Emma,” Line shared.
Coming to Buckner secured the path Line was so motivated to stay on.
Staying focused on her dreams
Juggling being a mom and a nursing student, Line also continues to exceed expectations by maintaining a high GPA and working part-time at the Odessa Hospital.
“She is an excellent example of staying focused and not allowing anything to steer her away from the dream she has of becoming a registered nurse,” said Sindy Muro, Family Pathways program director.
“Line has proven she can manage her time well and continue to meet the educational goals she sets for herself. She checked off the first big one this fall by obtaining her LVN,” Sindy continued.
Line is currently completing her pre-requisites for the nursing program at Midland College and learning how to be confident in who she is. Since coming to Buckner, Line has learned to accept praise and value herself as a working mother and college student.
Overcoming challenges of the pandemic
With COVID-19, she faces a difficult dilemma each day she must head to work and head back home to her daughter. Working in health care has always been a dream, but the risks today are higher than ever.
“I have faced a lot of challenges working during COVID-19. One that scares me is sending Emma to day care, but I also know I have to keep attending school and going to work to provide for her,” Line said.
The support she needs to be a great mom and student
Not only has the Family Pathways program created a stable environment for Line to chase her dreams, it has created an opportunity for her to become the best mom she can be.
“Through support and success, I can afford to buy Emma things when she needs it. I can spend time with her, take her to the park,” she shared. “I was even able to get her an iPad to study and she loves it. I’m planning to save up to be able to send her to private school next year.”
Now that she has a constant support system through Buckner, Line has been able to gain new life skills and participated in a range of classes. She recently secured a job at the Odessa Hospital and is working on applications to Registered Nurse programs to continue her education.
Line isn’t letting the pandemic stop her from continuing to chase those big dreams. She wants to become a pediatrician and continue to show Emma that hard works pays off.
“All I think about to help me push through school, work and being a mom is giving my daughter a better life. I want to show her that hard work pays off by doing it myself, so she can see it’s possible,” Line said.
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