Social justice
Social justice is generally thought of as affording individuals and groups fair treatment and an impartial share of the benefits of society. As believers in Christ we should strive for justice for all.
The pledge of allegiance ends with “justice for all.” The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. has “justice for all” inscribed on it. However, when we take a closer look at our society and reflect on the realities of the world in which we live, unfortunately, we find injustices all around us.
In Matthew 26:11, Jesus stated, “For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.” (KJV) This does not mean we have a mulligan to not respond to injustices. This indeed reflects the need and call for action. I John 4:7 tells us, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” We all have a platform from which we as individuals can reach out to those with the least and provide support, opportunity and hope.
The realization of social injustice presents us with the question as to what role we each will play to address these concerns. Will we get involved? Will we dismiss it as someone else’s responsibility, or will we decide to remain silent.
Each in our own way can help improve the world, whether that’s with the poor, widows, oppressed, homeless or those most vulnerable among us. The fatherless cry out for love, the elderly need a friend and we all need to know we are loved. What an honor it is to be able to be the extension of God’s hands and feet. Opportunity knocks today. Will you answer the door?
It’s time to be strong. It’s time to be responsible. This yearning for social justice is a call heard around the world from Austin to Atlanta to London and Australia to France, etc. A house divided against itself cannot stand, but together we are more than able to build a kingdom for all.
When your story is written, what will it say?
“Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might.” – Ephesians 6:10
Written by Henry Jackson, senior vice president of Buckner Children and Family Services.
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