The beauty in a messy life
I’m a Type A person. I like things neat and organized. I love systems and predictability. But most of the time, life is just not like that. It’s chaotic and messy. And I’ve discovered that some of the most beautiful moments I have lived have come during seasons that are anything but orderly.
Finding beautiful moments in chaos
The most recent example of this is doing life with the 4-year-old girl who has joined our family for this season while she is in foster care. More of my time is now devoted to cleaning, laundry, watching Frozen, filling out paperwork and scheduling appointments, but there is beauty and abundance in the messiness of parenthood and foster care.
Proverbs 14:4 says, “Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” It is because of the messy ox that there is a bountiful harvest.
We are called to press into the hard things
Life would be so much easier if we could just hide away, but as followers of Jesus we are called to press into the hard things of this world. We are told to take up our cross daily (Luke 9:23) and to love not only with words but with deeds (1 John 3:17). It is when we engage with the darkness that our light shines (Matthew 5:16; John 1:5).
Growth and sanctification can arise from stressful and challenging circumstances
What is your “ox?” What is the thing causing you worry, stress or frustration? How can you think differently about this metaphorical “ox” that will help you to remember that all things – no matter how challenging they might be – can be used by God to produce growth and sanctification both in your life and the lives of others?
Yes, life might be more comfortable without that ox, but it would be far less fruitful.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” –Galatians 6:9
Written by Robin Bruster, Buckner ministry engagement coordinator for Bachman Lake and West Dallas.
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