The digital 2018 Buckner Advent Devotional Guide is here! Get yours today!
Faith is the tie that binds us. Regardless of our backgrounds, life stories or differences, it’s our faith in Jesus Christ as Savior that binds us together as brothers and sisters. And what better time to come together as a family of faith than during the Advent season?
This year, Buckner would like to offer you a special way to celebrate the birth of Christ with our FREE digital 2018 Buckner Advent Devotional Guide. Inside, you will find weekly devotions on the Advent themes of hope, peace, love and joy as well as thoughtful reflection questions to help you and your family meditate on the themes of the Advent season throughout the week.
Through these devotions, we hope you and your family can have meaningful conversations and grow closer together this Advent season. Sign up today to receive your FREE digital 2018 Buckner Advent Devotional Guide as well as weekly devotional emails in your inbox during the Advent season.