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#tired. It's a response I am hearing from so many these days. Usually it's followed by something that is the source of that exhaustion. If you don't have something that immediately pops into your head, here is a list so we can all commiserate together:

Coronavirus, video calls, politics, hate, racism, job searching, young kids at home all the time, teenagers at home all the time, stress, health problems, social distancing, mask requirements, people who don’t wear masks, people who talk about how tired they are, people who seem to never get tired, church online, school online, ordering food online, connecting with friends online … everything is online!

The list goes on, does it not? What are we to do then, go to bed earlier? Try to worry less? Just be more patient? Sure, more sleep does usually lead to more energy and trying to worry less or practicing patience is not a terrible idea. But what else can we do about it?

In Exodus, after Moses guided the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity, he was immediately faced with leading his people through starvation, extreme thirst and war. In Chapter 17 they were attacked by another nation and as the battle ensues in the valley, Moses, his brother Aaron and friend Hur climb to the top of a hill to watch. 

“Now when Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and when he lowered his hand [due to fatigue], Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands were heavy and he grew tired. So they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side and one on the other side; so it was that his hands were steady until the sun set” (Exodus 17:11-12).

Who has God placed around you to support you during this season? Are you willing to accept their support?  

Or better yet, who in your life desperately needs you to hold their hands up today? Reach out and offer your hand.That might be the only thing standing in the way of victory.

"Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up." - Romans 15:2

Written by Chris Cato, director of missions for Buckner International

During the pandemic, volunteer opportunities may look different, but the needs have only grown. Find ways to help vulnerable youth and families in your community today.

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