Buckner Assists with Tornado Relief in Joplin
On June 3, Buckner sent a shipment of disaster relief aid to Convoy of Hope’s warehouse in Springfield, Missouri for distribution to tornado victims in Joplin.
The shipment contained the following valued at over $67,000: 2,884 pairs of new shoes, socks, baby items, hygiene kits, linens, and clean-up items such as rakes, gloves, trash cans, trash bags, shovels, etc.
We are currently preparing our last shipment of hygiene kits to send to Convoy of Hope. However, we will still accept any disaster relief donations. Convoy of Hope sent this progress report:
“Working closely with local churches, more than 1.6 million pounds of food and supplies have been distributed in Joplin from four distribution points. Currently, a walk-in ‘compassion store’ has been established, whereby survivors can shop for free food and relief supplies such as rakes, shovels, brooms, work gloves and more. To date, more than 10,000 volunteer hours have been logged in the relief effort.”
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