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Mission Trip Participants Needed!

Buckner Missions is urgently seeking people who feel led to participate in fall and winter mission trips to Ethiopia, Kenya, the Dominican Republic and Peru. The Ethiopia and Dominican Republic trips are shoe distribution trips, and Kenya and Peru are Christmas-themed trips.

Tripgoers in Ethiopia and the Dominican Republic will spend their mornings and afternoons being the hands and feet of Jesus – leading Bible studies, playing games and sharing the love of Jesus in a tangible way by giving out new pairs of shoes to orphans and children.

The trips to Kenya and Peru will focus on celebrating Christmas and the birth of Jesus with the children. The Peru trip will visit several different orphanages, giving participants the opportunity to interact with about 1,000 orphan children over the week. Kenya mission trip participants will spend the entire week getting to know a group of 100 kids.

“If more people don’t sign up for these trips, the children will still get their shoes and Christmas gifts,” said Chris Cato, Buckner missions coordinator. “But our staff will not have the resources or time to connect one-on-one with these children like it happens on the trips.”

“The Lord does amazing and powerful work through the interactions of the trip participants with the kids, and it would be a shame to deprive both sides of the blessings that come from being used by God on these trips,” he said. “God is sovereign and his will is going to be accomplished, but how amazing and humbling is it that he invites us to participate in what he is doing?”

Dave Atkins, a five-time trip participant to Kenya, wrote of his experience on his blog.

“I suppose all mission trips are similar in that they are the sum total of a thousand special moments. Each trip participant returns home with stories and memories and wounds of the heart unique to that individual. We are all touched, blessed and changed by the children here, by the realities they face and the challenges they must overcome, by their resilience and good spirit, and by their kindness and gentleness. For me, at least, it is a very powerful place to be.”

“I have come to view these children as more than precious children (although they are that for sure). Much more. They are a part of my heart, my soul. The are my family in some ways. When we're apart I long to see them, when we're together I dread to leave. For many reasons, some I'm sure I can't put into words, these gentle, funny, kind, sweet orphans have completely laid claim to my heart.”

For more details on these trips, check out our mission trip calendar here, or click on each country below to download a flyer with more information.

Ethiopia Shoe Trip – Oct. 6-15
Dominican Republic Shoe Trip – Nov. 12-18
Christmas in Kenya Trip – Nov. 30 – Dec. 10
Christmas in Peru Trip – Dec. 2-11


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