When God laughs
By Toni McDonald
Foster care has taught us that God laughs when man tries to make his own plans.
We thought we’d be one of those families who would get to adopt the first group of kids we welcomed into our home. But, then again, that was our plan. It was not God’s idea.
Over the course of the last two years we’ve cared for seven children, including the ones we have now. We’ve developed a relationship with the biological grandparents of the youngest of our foster children, and because of that, we get to have contact with a child who was formerly placed with us, too.
We’ve loved every child who has come through our home, and if we had our way, we would be a forever family for all seven.
You see, God’s plan was not for us to adopt those seven, but it was for us to love each and every one as if they were ours. That’s what foster care is all about. And now that we are (finally) on the precipice of our first adoption, we can see that God’s plan was the perfect one.
Had we adopted sooner, we may not have received the blessing of the youngest child in our home, whom we all love and adore. We would not have been able to take the two beautiful children who will soon share our last name. We would not have developed an amazing relationship with the biological family of our youngest child, nor would we have been able to keep in touch with his siblings.
Foster care is tough. But it’s incredibly rewarding. And adoption, well, that’s just the icing on the cake.
“A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in is holy habitation. God setteth the solitary in families: He bringeth out those which are bound with chains...” Psalm 68:5-6 (KJV)
Toni McDonald lives in the country of East Texas with her husband and best friend, John, their five children, and an entire menagerie of Texas-sized proportions.
Prayer of the Week:
-God, we thank you for foster and adoptive families who are willing to stand in the gap for vulnerable children and help them to heal. We pray that you would embolden and raise up more Christian families to meet the needs of children who are waiting for loving homes.
Editor’s note: This devotional was taken from Faith Focus, our weekly devotional email written by Buckner staff, foster and adoptive families, mission trip participants, volunteers and more. Click here to sign up to receive Faith Focus in your inbox every Monday. November is National Adoption Month. To learn more about the ways you can Be A Family to a vulnerable child through Buckner, please visit www.beafamily.org.
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