You can be an advocate
Advocate (ad-vo-cate); noun; One who pleads the cause of another; one who defends or maintains a cause; one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause.
In the New Testament, the Greek word paracletos translates to “advocate.” It’s used to describe the role Jesus has as “our Advocate with the Father.” In rabbinical literature, the word indicates someone who intercedes on behalf of another.
How to be an advocate
Before Buckner existed as an organization, we were an advocate on behalf of vulnerable children and senior adults. Years before opening the original orphans home, our founder advocated in churches, political settings and even in a religious newspaper he bought so he could keep the plight of the vulnerable in front of his readers.
Inevitably, advocacy turned to action and Buckner Orphans Home was opened. But we have never abandoned our role as advocates.
Buckner is considered a thought leader in services for vulnerable children, families and issues related to senior adults. While it’s an area of our work often unseen by many, it is a critical role we play, expanding our reach beyond our own programs.
A responsibility to help those in need
Our innovation in areas such as family preservation programs is a model for child care agencies here and internationally. The Buckner Family Hope Center is unique for its depth of services we deliver to vulnerable families.
That creative spirit has led us from action to advocacy, reversing the paradigm. Because of the successes we see delivering services, we are often asked to share our models and data with like-minded organizations. We have a responsibility to share knowledge gained with others seeking to help the vulnerable.
Our retirement services team is populated with some of the brightest minds in the country on issues related to seniors and senior living. Like our children and family services area, we readily share that knowledge with similar providers, believing we have a responsibility to all seniors, not just the ones we serve directly. The Buckner response to the coronavirus pandemic is one example of our team’s expertise and a model for other senior living agencies.
You can be an advocate who takes action
Just as Buckner is an advocate, we also need advocates – those who “promote our cause” and who stand beside us in service to children and seniors.
Your role as a donor, volunteer and advocate is crucial to us. Your prayer support, advocating for our ministry to God, makes a difference. Your prayers for desperate children matter.
We are seeing light at the end of the long, dark COVID-19 tunnel. While we never stopped serving children, families and seniors, the past year offered its share of struggles and challenges.
We are now opening our Buckner Family Hope Center buildings to resume in-person services. Now, more than ever, the families we serve need you. The after-effects of the pandemic are leaving desperate families more vulnerable.
Thank you for all you’ve done to help vulnerable families, and I pray you will continue to join us as an advocate who also takes action.
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