The people we serve in the Dominican Republic have a face and they have a name. They have a story; they have hopes and dreams. Dinorah sews purses that are rising in popularity in her community but she isn't sure how to turn her project into a sustainable business to support her family. Dichoso works two jobs and is constantly exhausted. He thinks if he knew how to read better, his chances of better employment would improve.
The Dominican Republic is a beautiful tropical country and it is the Caribbean’s largest tourist destination. But outside of the beautiful, five-star resorts, thousands of people suffer from a high unemployment rate and more than one third of the country's population lives below the poverty line.
When you go to the Dominican Republic with Buckner, you will be able to meet hard-working people like Dinorah and Dichoso. You will serve them, pray for them and rejoice with them. They will leave an indelible mark on your soul. It's a ministry unlike any other.
In the Dominican Republic, we provide:
Buckner Family Hope Center® locations
Buckner Family Hope Center® locations are child-centered, family-focused places where families go to find hope, support and empowerment in their community to reach their fullest God-given potential. The key to the Family Hope Center’s success is found in combining effective programs and passionate people to help families that are experiencing poverty, family issues and lack of services.
Our programs seek to engage through family assistance and community events; equip families through education, financial empowerment, child and youth development and spiritual development; elevate families through family coaching, counseling and spiritual enrichment. Family Hope Centers in the Dominican Republic also provide food, clothing and shoes to meet very basic needs of families who live nearby.
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