From our beginning, Buckner has always been a movement, responding to the needs of vulnerable children, families and seniors.
But you can’t spell movement without the word “move.” And you can’t have a true movement without moving.
A few reasons why “movement” was and is a default setting for Buckner
Moving is a matter of organizational health. Have you heard a fitness expert say, “A body in motion stays in motion?” It’s true about personal health and it’s also true for organizations. To stay viable in our ministry, we have to always be doing ministry.
Moving is a matter of resiliency. Each of our 143 years of service has provided challenges to Buckner and our response to each of these challenges makes us more agile, more resilient. And those challenges are never-ending. We must remain resilient to meet the next challenges.
Moving is a matter of support.
We can’t move unless you move with us, whether you work at Buckner, are a volunteer, or support those we serve with your financial gifts. You are what moves us. Thank you for keeping us on the move.
Your engagement empowered us to serve 100,000 lives in 2021. Because you moved alongside and with us, we raised more than $20 million in 2021, the most ever given to our work. Thank you!
What did you help us do in 2021?
Despite continuing COVID-19 safety protocols, we lived up to our pillars of protecting children, strengthening families, transforming generations and serving seniors.
- 686 children were protected through Buckner foster families in Texas.
- 81 Texas children were adopted into loving families.
412 children internationally were protected through Buckner permanency programs, including:
- 39 children were adopted through Buckner Kenya.
- 373 children were provided foster, kinship, transitional home or other types of care (Kenya, Guatemala, Peru)
- 285 children lived safely with their mother or father at a Buckner Family Pathways™ location in Texas.
- 673 Texas youth were helped with skills designed to transition them from care to successful adulthood through transitional case management programs.
- 40,610 family members were strengthened through the Buckner Family Hope Center™ model.
- 42,302 family members in need received client assistance and humanitarian aid.
- 156 single mothers and single fathers had a safe place for their children at one of the eight Buckner Family Pathways locations in Texas.
- 1,812 residents and Members were served by Buckner Retirement Services in our 6 senior living communities.
- LeadingAge Texas recognized Buckner with four of its top awards in 2021, including the Public Trust Award, considered the most coveted honor given each year.
2021 was not just a good year. It was an extraordinary year.
Let me say that again – it was an extra-ordinary year. Together, we overcame the pandemic. We did not just survive it.
We are a stronger, more vibrant ministry today than two years ago. We are poised, moving forward to a future that awaits us – and we can’t wait for it.
Thank you for being part of that movement.
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