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keeping mind sharp
Exercises to keep seniors' brains sharp
Approaching brain health with a holistic approach
Everyone knows exercise is essential for the body, but it can be easy to overlook exercise for the mind. Throughout World Alzheimer's Month, there...

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staying active
"The disease that takes two"
World Alzheimer's Month continues
Special guest writer Dr. Neeta Nayak offers her insight on the impact of Alzheimer's disease and the science behind it.

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family activities for alzheimers
Tips and resources for facing an Alzheimer's diagnosis
Families and loved ones don't have to walk this journey alone
Cheryl Johnson, director of healthcare services for Buckner Retirement Services, shares tips for families walking through an Alzheimer's diagnosis.

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senior activities
3 activities for seniors with Alzheimer's
Resources for World Alzheimer's Month
More than six million Americans 65 and older are facing Alzheimer’s disease today. Beyond that, there are tens of millions of family members and...

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alzheimers care
Knowing the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia
September is World Alzheimer's Month
Every year, there is an opportunity to learn more about the most common type of dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are more...

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activities with grandparents
3 activities for you and your grandkids
Fun ways to connect with your loved ones
Spending time with grandkids is one of the many joys of retirement. Grandkids are curious, high-energy, and can help seniors stay active. At Buckner...

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Setting the standard
How Buckner is evolving in an ever-changing world
From 1879 until 1952, Buckner was led by someone with the name Buckner. When our founder, R.C. Buckner died in 1919, he passed the torch to his sons...

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coping with dementia
Learning a loved one has dementia
Learn a few ways to cope as a family through the diagnosis
Dementia is a disease that impacts millions of people and their families. Seniors with dementia need specialized care that can cater to their unique...

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superhero power perseverance
Helping children learn perseverance in today’s world
How to nurture your children's superpowers
Meet Patrice. Her superpower is perseverance. ...

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albert reyes 1
Buckner president Albert Reyes wins D CEO award for Leadership Excellence
Buckner President and CEO Albert Reyes won an award for Leadership Excellence in the category of mega nonprofit at the D CEO's Nonprofit and...

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